Investor RelationsAnnouncements

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Date Title
22 Feb 2024 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution
22 Feb 2024 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Tax Exempt Income Distribution
22 Feb 2024 IREIT Achieves 5.4% Uplift In FY2023 Gross Revenue Supported By Acquisition And Leasing Initiatives
22 Feb 2024 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Full Yearly Results
31 Jan 2024 IREIT Sharpens Its Portfolio Resilience With Disposal Of Il-lumina And Signing Of 2 Key Leases
31 Jan 2024 Completion Of Sale Of Il∙lumina
22 Jan 2024 IREIT Global Reports Only 2.6% Decrease In Portfolio Valuation Over The Six Months To 31 December 2023 Underpinned By Its Diversification Strategy
22 Jan 2024 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Full Yearly Results
22 Dec 2023 IREIT Global Divests Il∙lumina In Spain At A 5.2% Premium To Valuation
08 Nov 2023 Business Update For The Third Quarter Ended 30 September 2023
25 Oct 2023 Business Update For The Third Quarter Ended 30 September 2023
29 Sep 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Change In Interest Of The Manager
27 Sep 2023 Payment Of Acquisition Fee By Way Of Issue Of Units In IREIT Global
14 Sep 2023 Use Of Proceeds From The Preferential Offering
05 Sep 2023 Completion Of Acquisition Of 17 Retail Properties Located In France As An Interested Person Transaction And Use Of Proceeds From The Preferential Offering
07 Aug 2023 Minutes Of The Extraordinary General Meeting Held On 27 July 2023
04 Aug 2023 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution
03 Aug 2023 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Tax Exempt Income Distribution
03 Aug 2023 IREIT Reports Distribution Per Unit Of 0.93 € Cents, While Maintaining A Healthy Aggregate Leverage Of 33.1%
03 Aug 2023 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Second Quarter And/ Or Half Yearly Results

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