Investor RelationsAnnouncements

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Date Title
12 May 2022 Minutes Of Annual General Meeting Held On 27 April 2022
11 May 2022 1Q2022 Business Update
27 Apr 2022 Results Of Annual General Meeting Held By Way Of Electronic Means On 27 April 2022
21 Apr 2022 Annual General Meeting To Be Held On 27 April 2022 - Responses To Substantial And Relevant Questions From Unitholders
18 Apr 2022 Lease Extension At Bonn Campus
07 Apr 2022 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Trustee-Manager/ Responsible Person - Change In Interest Of The Manager
07 Apr 2022 Payment Of Management Fee By Way Of Issue Of Units In IREIT Global
05 Apr 2022 Annual Reports And Related Documents
05 Apr 2022 Notice Of Annual General Meeting
09 Mar 2022 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Notification In Respect Of Interests Of The Director
25 Feb 2022 Change Of Company Secretary
25 Feb 2022 Notice Of Valuation Of Real Assets
25 Feb 2022 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution
25 Feb 2022 Notice Of Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Tax Exempt Income Distribution
25 Feb 2022 IREIT Records Robust Performance For FY2021 Results
25 Feb 2022 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Full Yearly Results
11 Feb 2022 Notification Of Results Release
31 Jan 2022 Notice Of Change Of Address Of Unit Registrar And Place At Which The Register Of Unitholders Is Kept
18 Jan 2022 CLSA Singapore Hidden Jewels Access Day Investor Presentation
23 Dec 2021 Changes To The Composition Of The Board And Board Committees

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